journey within.

I know you're ready to shed the weight of past stories and connect to the truth of who you REALLY ARE.

Kundalini is the path home to your soul. It's the innate spark of creation within your being, ready to be discovered.

Through the process of kundalini awakening you start to transform every pain, trauma, and limitation into the truth of what is underneath.

Transforming suffering into the TRUE GIFT it is here to show you. Awakening to love, acceptance, bliss...
and joining the divine dance of creation.

"This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

- Terence McKenna

Start Your Journey


journey within.

I know you're ready to shed the weight of past stories and connect to the truth of who you REALLY ARE.

Kundalini is the path home to your soul. It's the innate spark of creation within your being, ready to be discovered.

Through the process of kundalini awakening you start to transform every pain, trauma, and limitation into the truth of what is underneath.

Transforming suffering into the TRUE GIFT it is here to show you. Awakening to love, acceptance, bliss...
and joining the divine dance of creation.

"This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

- Terence McKenna

Start Your Journey

Hi beautiful soul!

I'm Mina, your guide to liberation and self-discovery. Growing up in a society of 'follow the rules' I learned to shut myself down, play small, and not express myself. Deep inside I knew there was more. I would hear of all these profound spiritual experiences, but felt disconnected from myself, and the divine.

Kundalini found me at a time when I least expected, and when it did, my whole life flipped upside down. Through following the energy within, I began to break down every chain holding me from my highest expression. I felt as each shadow within me was being transformed in a way i’ve never felt before. Most importantly, it brought me home to the wisdom of my body and the divine that had almost been within.

I am so passionate about this path. As a Kundalini Bodyworker Level I & II, and light language energy healer, I get to guide others through their own deepest awakening <3

what Is a Kundalini

Kundalini is the innate life-force within you. This intrinsic energy is present in every being from birth. In a Kundalini session we work on a mental, physical, emotional, and energetic level to heal holistically. I help you to release the blockages, emotional pain, and baggage that no longer serve you, so that you can connect to the empowerment and freedom within.

In our session, we also learn how to express through voice, sound and movement, unlocking your unique gifts and expression.  Through this process you can gain a deeper connection to your body, as you learn how to move and work with this innate energy.

As a result, many often experience profound benefits, including feeling the liberation of life-force energy, living in love rather than fear, and experiencing an expanded consciousness and transforming struggles into gifts.

energy session?

let's explore...

I work with your unique energetic signature and provide an energy transmission personalized to you

safety and comfort to full express yourself in your own space

the private setting allows for a deeper exploration of personal issues and emotions.

I will teach you various somatic practices to take with you into your daily life

the combined energy of participants can create a powerful and amplified healing environment. 

Group Sessions

participants in a group session can find shared support and connection

connection to the collective field can provide insight and a unique perspective

group sessions can be more cost-effective, making healing more accessible

I can work more specifically on your energy field to clear out blocks

1-1 coaching and guidance for the specific theme in your life you're working through

Private Sessions

pick your adventure...

What clients are saying...

Our session starts by getting to know you and exploring any of the challenges you are facing. We then find safety and openness in the body through breath, sound, and movement practices. I will share tools and guidance that will help you through emotional release during the activation.



Intention & Movement

Once you're feeling relaxed and open, we move into laying down and surrendering to the energy. Everyone is different, for some it can be very profound, and for some it may feel subtle at first at first. As we clear the blockages, you body will start to become more receptive. Emotions may come also up, and you are given the safe space to release and express. In this process we learn how to move and be present with anything what arises, so that it can transform.

Energy Work

After a session, you can share any insights that arise. I am here to offer support and guidance on how you can best integrate the experience and continue developing your energy. Kundalini sessions work on an energetic level, and may take your body a few days or more to adjust to this new shift in frequency. Be ready to feel at ease, activated and refreshed!


In-person session in Vancouver, Canada



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In-person session in Vancouver, Canada



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Based in Vancouver, Canada
serving clients worldwide


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